. . .youth, strength, genius, thoughts,
achievements, simple hearts–all die . . .
No matter.”
Joseph Conrad, “Youth”
Willy , photo by Stephan Jammer 2014
Alba, portrait in Slimnic, Romania, by Jammer 2014
Alba and Jan by Romanian Artist Crina, 2014
In the Backyard where the Cherry Tree dies
Rich soil is flooded from falling pain
Wears its Black Widow mourning veils
GhostSage, lavender and rose
Nothing grows.
The harvest is this bitter view
Memory crushed to mulch.
ReBirth declines to attend a futile celebration
Choked on false failed aspiration.
These cycles of wonder are green vacancy now
Inverted inward from the weight of tired ancient horses
Dragging their bleeding bone plow.
The love buried there
Seeming like crying children
Howls a Chorus of Canine night teeth.
Jan Deen
Slimnic Romania
June 2015